As a small introduction, the WSS sections will be a small, random hit of current thoughts that I have on society in general, with a focus on sports. This is Half-eared commentary at its best, and I hope it goes in one ear and never makes it out of the other side.
WSS #1 – It has become frowned upon in society to call assholes what they are – assholes. It is part of the political correctness disease, and it is now a widespread infection. When you tell assholes that they are assholes, you are not only correcting their behavior, but you are protecting other people from their future behavior. There were two recent sports stories that epitomize WSS #1.
The first was a recent spat about how the Miami Dolphins interview their possible future draft choices. Put simply, Dolphins General Manager Jeff Ireland should be allowed to ask a player if his mother was a prostitute. That player should then be able to beat Jeff Ireland’s ass. I’ll put my wager on Dez Bryant, thank you.
The second was over some dumbshit kid who ran onto the field during a Phillies game. People that are upset when other people get tasered are stupid*. A kid who runs on the field during a game is an asshole, and tasing him is a non-verbal way to communicate to him that he is, in fact, an asshole. Kind of like how punching Jeff Ireland in the face would be a non-verbal way to communicate that his question won’t be answered.
"shocking...." nice.